For My Best Friend —

The Pandemic Made Me Do It
3 min readJun 29, 2020

Life is a journey. Read it again, in fact read it 10 more times until you fully understand what it means.

Sometimes you get better, sometimes you take 10 steps back. It’s constantly moving forward despite the good or the bad. All you can really do is enjoy the moment, learn from the past and *attempt* at making whatever moment you are in, good. I think we as humans complicate the hell out of life. Some of us are harder on ourselves than our own worst enemies. Hell, some of us ARE our own worst enemies, but why? Why have so many of us allowed our own minds to think the worst, to not trust our own intuition and doubt the ultimate greatness that lies within us. Why is it easier to think negatively than to take a leap of faith and trust that far greater things lie ahead for us? How do we go from becoming our own worst critic to being our biggest fan? Honestly, I don’t know I’m still trying to figure it out for myself. But, only YOU know what YOU truly want and desire. Only YOU know what you can be capable of. While you allow doubt to creep in, did you know you can invite self-assurance and confidence to come instead? I think there are things we want for ourselves that we think we can’t have. But, why not? Ultimately, I think we who struggle with doubt believe we are not worthy of our greatest desires. We are consistently seeking reassurance externally, for a sense of security or a green light that tells us we’re going in the right direction. Yet, the only place we should be looking is within ourselves. The answers you seek will ALWAYS lie inside of you. Your intuition, trust it. The gut feeling you think makes you anxious, it’s trying to tell you something, listen to it, feel it and acknowledge it. Some of us have dreams we are scared to go after or even talk about. Why are we looking for signs of reassurance when we haven’t even spoke our desires into existence? How are our family and friends supposed to encourage us if we fail to tell them what we secretly want? At the end of the day, you have a choice whether or not you believe it, you can allow yourself to live life how you’ve been living or you can make small changes to create the life you want. It’s simple, yet we complicate things. All the answers you seek are simple, easy. Don’t take everything so seriously, don’t complicate but most of all, don’t overthink. Easier said than done, I know. But in all honesty, if you think about it, actually think, all the answers/assurances you seek are right in front of you. Choose to see the good. Believe the best is yet to come, not because I said so, but because it really is. Your best days are ahead of you. Stop doubting yourself. You are capable of everything and anything you desire. No one knows your strengths and weaknesses as much as you. Work on them, use them don’t let them go to waste. Whatever your strengths are, use them, they’re not just for you, but to help others too. Your weaknesses, implement SMALL changes. Believe in yourself for you. Become your best self for YOU. When you activate your power you become unstoppable. It’s addicting, it’s inspiring and it’s meant to be shared with others. Once you learn to do things for you, you become radiant. You radiate a magnetic energy. The best thing you can do for the world and yourself is to be yourself and go after what you want. Trust your intuition. Believe there are treasures within you, they are simply, waiting to be found.

